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LifePacks provide for immediate, critical or seasonal needs of unhoused youth.

Beyond food and supplies, LifePack Resupplying facilitates opportunities to make conversation, enhance trust, discover additional clients' needs and offer referrals to healthcare, shelter or case management services.

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LifePacks are distributed directly to homeless and street youth by the street outreach team. These backpacks full of essential and critical supplies are also being distributed at different community outreach centers throughout the Bay Area.​

Every donation makes a difference

All donations to go directly to helping unhoused youth.


Provide cold weather packs for 30 young people living on the streets


Provide hygiene packs for 8 young people living on the streets


Provide cold weather packs and a 3 days worth of healthy snacks for 5 young people living on the streets


Provide cold weather packs for 5 young people living on the streets


Make your choice!

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Food Pack

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Hygiene Pack

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Cold Weather Pack

Cold Weather Pack
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Street Survival Pack

Survival Pack
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